Northern California Trail Council (NCTC) Points

Submitted to the Recreation Committee by Cynthia LeDoux, July 3, 2008

There were several important points which should have been included:

1. Rd. 500 and 600 should be included as a main staging areas/trailheads.

2. Trailhead/Access from Mitchell Creek Rd./ JSDF 511 near Shoreline Arena should be (re)created and opened to equestrains, hikers, and bikers. Develop parking area.

3. Maps should have GPS coordinates(NAD 83/ Waypoints) trailheads should have waypoint markers, and website should have both. This way clear, concise reports can be made to CDF/JSDF, user groups can program their GPS, and use can be assesed and monitored to priotize maintenance activities.

4. Teaming with the other equestrain non-profit user groups such as the Northern California Trail Council (NCTC) and Shoreline Riders, Inc. (SRI) and the cycle club for trail improvements, patrol purposes, and funding of new water supply facilities such as the partnership happening between JSDF (Horvat) and NCTC (LeDoux) for the new water tank near Indian Springs.

5. JDFS should be one part of the larger Mendocino County Trails System with developed linkages with State Parks' including Jug Handle, Big River, the Woodlands and cooperating private landowners. Keeping a larger vision in mind when considering trail development and/or decommission.

6. The historic and recorded Little Lake-Sherwood Trail should be repaired and maintained as it connects Willits to Mendocino through Parks, JDSF, and County Roads.

7. Investigate the development of easements w/ Campbell, MRC, and The Conservation Fund to maintain existing trails such as the JDSF 330- CMT 1000 (?), TCF to Big River State Park, etc... Lastly, defining trailhead vs. stageing area is really important as the groups appear to have interchanged the two words. These are some of the big points that I can think of off the top of my head. I will give this more thought between now and the 11th.

Cynthia LeDoux
Northern California Trail Council, president
Shoreline Riders, Inc, secretary