Recreation Committee Meeting on September 19, 2008

The Recreation Committee of the Jackson Advisory Group will meet on Friday, September 19 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Please attend if you have an interest in expanding recreation opportunities in Jackson State Forest.

The meeting will be held at the Jackson Demonstration State Forest Learning Center located east of Camp 20 on Highway 20. Map and directions..

The purpose of the Recreation Committee is to encourage public involvement in expanding recreation opportunities in Jackson State Forest. The Recreation Committee is working closely with the staff of JDSF.

At previous meetings, cyclists, equestrians, hikers, off-highway vehicle users, and shooters presented their ideas and priorities. A joint effort is underway to create an inventory of popular trails in the forest. Preliminary map

This meeting will address the following topics:

  • Continuing to develop an inventory of trails, discussing how to add supporting information to the trail map that has been created.

  • Reviewing other recreation priorities put forward by users.

  • Developing a Jackson Forest Users Group. Steps to be taken include: Identifying a core group of recreationists who will commit to representing their community of users on a regular basis; developing a governing structure and charter for the Users Group; deciding on the relation between the Users Group and other recreation groups.

  •  Discussing problems that have been raised about maintenance and horse impacts on Big River Campground and the adjacent tributary of Big River.